The Royal Decree 363/2017, of 8 April, establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning, is the transposition of the MSP Directive into Spanish legislation. In order to give it coherence with the Spanish marine strategies, it was conceived as a regulatory implementation of article 4.2 of the Law 41/2010, of 29 December, for the protection of the marine environment. This Law constitutes the transposition of the MSF Directive to Spanish Law, and its article 4.2 states that the Government can adopt common guidelines (including maritime planning) to the five marine strategies in order to ensure coherence of its objectives.
The Spanish Maritime Spatial Plans (MSPlans) will be approved by Royal Decree and updated every 6 years, in order to improve this coherence with marine strategies.
Regarding the spatial scope, the MSPlans will apply to the five Spanish marine subdivisions, so called “Demarcaciones marinas” previously established by the Spanish marine strategies, one of which is the Canary marine subdivison.
Regarding sectorial scope it includes, on the one hand, activities or uses considered of general interest whose objectives are priority (such as marine environment or water supply), and on the other hand activities and uses of maritime economic sectors (such as aquaculture, fishing, energy or tourism).
Spanish MSP Plans will be structured in five main sections: (I) context and scope of application, (II) guiding principles and planning objectives, (III) diagnosis, (IV) maritime spatial planning and (V) application, assessment and monitoring of the plans. While sections I, II, IV and V are common for the five marine subdivisions, part III is specific for each one of them, thus constituting the five different plans. On the basis of what comes to light in the diagnosis, including the aspirations identified by the various users of the sea, part IV sets out the spatial planning (zoning, criteria and measures). The zoning established in the Spanish MSPlans is based in the premise that there can be co-existence between different uses and activities, and that such uses and activities can be performed without compromising the good environmental status. Two kind of areas have been determined: priority use areas and high potential areas.
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