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The MSP-OR project has published a Policy Brief to support decision-making and stakeholder discussions on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU’s Outermost Regions (ORs).

The brief identifies key challenges in MSP implementation, proposes actionable…

We are proud to announce that the MSP-OR Project has been awarded the prestigious Atlantic Project Awards 2024 in the category “Healthy Oceans and Resilient Coastal Zones”! This recognition celebrates our collective efforts to promote…

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria recently hosted the third sectoral workshop on offshore wind energy under the MSP-OR project, which focuses on maritime spatial planning in outermost regions. Organized by the Biodiversity Foundation and the…

The MSP-OR project made its mark at the European Commission’s events held on March 13th and 14th, 2024, in Brussels, where a comprehensive analysis of 10 years of MSP projects funded under EMFF and EMFAF…

This Deliverable aims to provide a detailed analysis of the maritime licensing process in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM), with a specific focus on two key sectors: tourism (recreational and leisure activities) and aquaculture.

Shom has recently completed work on D3.14 – French Guiana Maritime Safety Of Navigation Dataset and D.3.9 – Expertise En Matiere De Securite De La Navigation Maritime related to maritime surveillance and safety of navigation,…

La Fundación Biodiversidad ha realizado dos talleres para analizar las actividades de los sectores náutico-recreativo y eólico marino en el marco de la ordenación del espacio marítimo en Canarias.

El proyecto MSP-OR ha organizado dos…

La Red Europea de Observación y Datos Marinos (EMODnet), que cuenta con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea, ha lanzado hoy su servicio de datos marinos totalmente unificado, que integra todos los datos en un…

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