
MSP-OR Project Wins Atlantic Project Awards 2024 for «Healthy Oceans and Resilient Coastal Zones»

We are proud to announce that the MSP-OR Project has been awarded the prestigious Atlantic Project Awards 2024 in the category “Healthy Oceans and Resilient Coastal Zones”! This recognition celebrates our collective efforts to promote sustainable marine spatial planning and support resilient coastal communities across the Atlantic.

This achievement belongs to everyone involved in the MSP-OR Project. From our dedicated partners to the local and regional stakeholders who have contributed their expertise and vision, this award is a testament to the power of collaboration. We have created pathways to ensure our oceans and coasts thrive for future generations.

This award reflects the hard work and innovative approaches developed throughout the project:

  • Strengthening collaboration between authorities to advance the implementation of MSP principles.
  • Facilitating knowledge exchange and cooperation to bridge regional gaps.
  • Offering tools and platforms for joint development of sustainable planning strategies in Outermost Regions.

Winning this award reinforces our commitment to driving impactful change. As we continue, MSP-OR will remain focused on creating sustainable solutions that protect marine ecosystems, enhance community resilience, and ensure long-term prosperity for all who depend on healthy oceans and coasts.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey—this recognition is ours to celebrate together!

29 Nov 2024
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